
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Komalima PSDKU Applies Religious Education through Airlangga Pass Over

UNAIR NEWS – Airlangga Pass Over is one of the work programs of Interfaith Student Community Off Main Campus Program (Komalima PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi. The activity held by PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi was not only attended by Komalima members, but also by representatives of high school students in Banyuwangi.
To UNAIR NEWS on Sunday, April 28, Khezia Winni Yulianti as chief executive of Airlangga Pass Over said that the activity raised the theme from the Bible verse, Romans 6:10. In the verse, she explained, younger generation are expected to follow the teachings of religion.
“This year’s Airlangga Pass Over activity involves female students of SMA so that friends who want to enroll in PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi know that there is a home for Christians and Catholics, namely Komalima,” she said.
Khezia also explained that the purpose of Airlangga Pass Over work program was to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the savior of the world. Furthermore, the activity also aims to educate about the meaning of Easter in depth, how to apply Christian and Catholic education, broaden the knowledge that has been gained from the study or subject of Christianity.
“In addition, the event can also be a place to grow and build faith, strengthen brotherhood and improve the relations of other Christian youth,” she explained.
According to PSDKU Accounting student, the participants from the activity reached seventy-five percent of the target. The worship activity also ran solemnly. After worship activity, it carried out various games so that fellow participants can interact and get to know each other.
“Hopefully we can be inspired in Easter this year and be a better person in the future,” concluded the second semester student. (*)
Author: Sulistyo Primadani
Editor: Nuri Hermawan