
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Layang Sworo Instills Spirit of Nationalism to Children

UNAIR NEWS – In an effort to implement Pancasila values, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) students carried out community service to children in Kampung Pemulung Makam Rangkah Kenjeran, Surabaya. Layang Sworo activity was held on Thursday 9 May 2019 to instill children’s interest in conducting a discussion to achieve consensus in solving problems.
Dani as the field coordinator said that the activity was carried out by the second semester of UNAIR psychology students who took Pancasila class B-4.3 course. Dani also said that she and her team also collaborated with Husain as the head of scavenger association as well as head of the neighborhood.
“We also teach them about the symbols and meanings of Pancasila and their implementation,” Dani said.
Dani said that during the Layang Sworo activity, children were invited to write letters and discuss Pancasila and the spirit of nationalism. There was also visiting counsel for several children. At the end of the event, Dani and her team held iftar event with 27 children in Kampung Pemulung Makam Rangkah.
“The activity went well. The enthusiasm of the children was very high and the residents in the area were very supportive of the activity, “Dani stated.
Moreover, many local residents hoped that the activity could continue.
“Hopefully, this program can continue and have a big impact on education and character building of the young generation so that they can implement Pancasila values ​​in every aspect of daily life,” Dani said.

Dani and her team in Layang Sworo activity in Kampung Pemulung Makam Rangkah Kenjeran on Thursday 9 May 2019. (Photo: By courtesy)

Dani also hoped that UNAIR students can be agents of change that bring changes. UNAIR students are expected to contribute actively in bringing changes towards better Indonesia. (*)
Author: Dhea Meidiana
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh