
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Lecturer Certification Program UNAIR Becomes National Reference

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga should be proud. Its certification program that has been a national reference. It was stated by Prof. Zainudin, Apt., while giving a speech in the event “Educator Certificate Handover for Universitas Airlangga Lecturers” on Thursday, March 1.

Prof. Zainuddin, a representative of national lecturer certification team stated that from a long process, the certification program of UNAIR is very good and become a national pilot. Therefore, educators at UNAIR should really be the role models either for their colleagues and students.

“Apply the philosophy of the teacher, heeded and imitated. So we must be an example, “he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of UNAIR Lecturer Certification Prof. Dr. Widji Soeratri, DEA., Apt., emphasized the importance of lecturer certification because with a certificate, lecturers can do many things. Scholarships is one of them.

“In addition, with the certification of lecturer, educators can conduct research and improve welfare,” he explained.

Attending the event to represent the UNAIR Rector was the Vice Rector I UNAIR, Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.D., Sp.PD., K-GH., FINASIM. According to him, the certification of lecturer is a blessing to be thankful for. Therefore, Prof. Djoko continued, the certification is a proof of the good performance that has been done so far.

“This is a blessing from excellent performance by educators so far,” said Prof. Djoko in front of lecturers and lecturers of health personnel of dr. Soetomo Hospital who got lecturer certification.

In his speech, Prof. Djoko also reviewed one of the great achievements that has been achieved by Faculty of Medicine. In the near future, FK UNAIR will be the only FK in Indonesia which become the standard for Accreditation of Health Higher Education Institution in Indonesia by World Health Organization.

“We should be proud that FK UNAIR is the only one that becomes the standard of Indonesian health assessment,” he said proudly. “This achievement certainly cannot be separated from the role of all of you,” he concluded. (*)


Author: Nuri Hermawan

Editor: Feri Fenoria