UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) as one of the best universities in Indonesia, continues to carry out the tri dharma of higher education. One part of the tri dharma is research and development.
In this regard, UNAIR Research and Innovation Institute (LPI) held a Monitoring Evaluation session on Friday, December 20, 2019. Being held in LPI Meeting Room, UNAIR Management Office Campus C, there were five UNAIR researchers taking part in the session.
The five researchers were Prof. Ni Made Mertaniasih, dr., MS., Sp.MK(K), and Prof. Aryati, dr., MS., Sp.PK(K) from Faculty of Medicine. Then, Prof. Raditya Sukmana, S.E., M.A., PhD., from Faculty of Economics and Business, Dr. Abdul Rohim Tualeka, Drs., M. Kes., from Faculty of Public Health and Dr. rer nat. Ganden Supriyanto, M.Sc. from Faculty of Science and Technology.
One of the researchers, Prof. Aryati, dr., MS., Sp.PK (K) said that evaluation monitoring was carried out by reporting progress that had been achieved since the funds were disbursed in July 2019. It was conducted from July to December 2019. The target of the publication to be achieved was three Q1 publications, three Q2 publications, and four Q3 publications.
“The 10 publications are expected to be completed in August 2020,” she said.
The study was conducted with a research group model. The researchers were asked to use several other components of research members. Prof. Aryati besides cooperating with the staff at the pathological clinic also collaborated with dr. Puspa Wardhani, dr. Dominicus Husada, and Ali Rahman from the Informatics Faculty of Science and Technology UNAIR.
“The purpose is also to involve students. Research lecturers must also be from different fields, ” she explained.
Prof. Aryati revealed that the research she was doing was about dengue virus. Dengue infection has a huge impact in Indonesia, especially in East Java. Dengue virus usually causes dengue fever leading to death.
“Hopefully, in the future, we can immediately anticipate, it can also raise awareness of the Health Agency, especially in East Java,” she concluded. (*)
Author: Sandi Prabowo
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia