Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Maintaining Body Weight Tips After Eid al-Fitr from Campus Ambassador PSDKU 2019

TRYCHA (right) during the presentation of 2019 Ambassador Campus event. (Photo: Personal document)
TRYCHA (right) during the presentation of 2019 Ambassador Campus event. (Photo: Personal document)

UNAIR NEWS – Eid al-Fitr is a moment to be together with family and relatives. Usually, everyone always served a variety of food in each house. It makes us eager to eat more.

To UNAIR NEWS, Trycha Ayu Indriani Campus Ambassador (CA) 2019 shared tips to anticipate gaining weight after Eid. According to her, always maintaining a healthy lifestyle during and after Eid al-Fitr.

“There are many fatty foods during Eid, especially sweet snacks. You are allowed to eat that but you need to have a normal portion,” said a student of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Affairs (FPK) batch 2017.

In addition, you should pay attention to your meal portion. Breakfast should be avoided if you visit your relatives in the morning. Generally, they will provide a heavy meal for guest.

Foods that are served on a table are usually are not really healthy. She explained that food can be chosen in small portions. Furthermore, fruits and vegetables are highly recommended as desserts.

“The food that we eat after Eid should be healthy, in addition to maintaining weight as well we have to stay healthy,” he explained.

In addition, consuming too many sweet snacks is one of the causes of gaining weight because the snacks are mostly made with butter, eggs, milk, and sugar.

Not only control appetite, but she also says that maintaining body weight while staying active and exercising can also prevent gaining weight. As much as possible spend a few hours to exercise at home and do not consume a drink that contains sugar. You should drink water after eating heavy food or snack.

“Don’t forget to exercise, just a few hours every day. And most importantly, eat before you are hungry and stop before you are full, “he concluded.

Author: Dian Putri Apriliani

Editor: Nuri Hermawan