
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Motorbike Parking Lot of UNAIR Management Building Moved at the Back of Library

UNAIR NEWS – Improvements are continuously made by Universitas Airlangga  Management Office. This one is about parking lot. As of Wednesday April 18, 2018, motorcycle parking lot for UNAIR academicians and guests, are moved to the back of the Library building. Beside with Dormitory of college campus C UNAIR. Previously, the parking lot was located between Kahuripan building with Student Center (SC) building.

On Tuesday afternoon, April 17, there was a simple ” Tumpeng” feast in the new parking location. There was UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., CMA., Vice Rector II Dr. Muhammad Madyan, SE., M.Si., M.Fin., Vice Rector III Prof. Dr. Ir. Moch Amin Alamsjah, Ir., M.Si., Ph.D., University Secretary Drs. Koko Srimulyo, M.Si., Director of Human Resources Dr. Purnawan Basundoro, SS., M.Hum., Director of Facilities, Infrastructure and Environment Karnaji, S, Sos., M.Si., Expert Staff Drs. Ec. Pribadi Archam, and some staff of UNAIR.

parkir motor
Small feast for new motorcycle parking lot near UNAIR Management Building. (Photo: Bambang Bes)

In his speech, Prof. Moh Nasih said that the feast was their sincere intention to appeal to the Almighty to be given safety, security, and comfort in giving supporting facilities of the employees.

“If the parking facilities of employees are comfortable and safe, InshaAllah it will give employees peace in carrying out their work. Hopefully it is always safe and comfortable, “said UNAIR Rector.

After a prayer led by the Vice Rector III Prof. Moch Amin Alamsjah, the Rector handed over the “tumpeng” to the Vice Rector II Dr. Muh Madyan. Then it was handed over to Director of Facilities, Infrastructure and Environment Karnaji, S.Sos., M.Si. Only then, they eat together.

The new motorcycle parking lot was considered better. Some of it has been roofed, all the land has been paved, electricity parking light is also bright, and will not be inundated during rainy season as the location is a bit high compared to the original parking location.

Officials of Universitas Airlangga and participants in the new location of motorcycle parking near Management Office Building. (Photo: Bambang Bes)

The new parking lot is near the library, female college dormitories, and in the future will be close to the Sport Center which is currently under construction.

According to the Sarpras UNAIR, the old motorcycle parking lot will be rehabilitated for the vehicle park which originally located between Airlangga and Kahuripan. According to the plan, it will be used for workspace. (*)

Author: Bambang Bes