UNAIR NEWS – Questions on who will gain leadership of BEM UNAIR 2016 were answered. Muhammad Rizky Fadilah (History 2012, as the Chairman) and Ihwanun Mudhofir Hariri (Law 2013, as the Deputy). The duo with SUPER (Semangat Untuk Pembaruan Progresif) as the slogan defeat the independent Moh. Hadi Subarkah (Fisheries Management 2012) and Kesa Camelya (Biomedical Engineering 2013).
It was decided with a consensus in the assembly held from Tuesday, March 8 to Wednesday morning, March 9. There were 45 student representatives from BEM, BLM and FORKOM united in Student Consultative Assembly (MPM).
“Alhamdulillah the assembly ran well. There was a disagreement but it didn’t heat up and we could finally reach a consensus,” said Arum Kusumaningtyas, the head of Campus Election Committee (PPK) 2016.
Before the deciding assembly, there had been a Fit and Proper test where they candidates elaborated their vision and mission. In the occasion, each pair presented their leadership grand design. It was an opportunity to convince the MPM members before the assembly.
The other consideration in the deciding assembly was the panel assessment acquired during Campus Society Test (UMK). Each faculty representative then asked some questions in turns as well as conveyed aspirations on the criteria of the Chairman and Deputy of BEM KM UNAIR 2016.
Need Supports to be Consistent
After the decision taken, the elected pair were invited in the assembly. “I was informed when I was in Waru Sidoarjo,” said the elected BEM chairman 2016, Muhammad Rizky Fadilah. “I got the news when I was in the dorm after Solar Eclipse prayer,” said Ihwanun Mudhofir Hariri, elected BEM Deputy.
They left the result to fate, but they believed that they will be elected as UNAIR BEM KM leadership for 2016. “After the induction, we will start to work. We’ll hold a great forum attended by all student representatives, including faculty and department’s BEM to talk about cabinet appointments and its continuity” said Rizky Fadilah known better as Ace. “Thank you all for supporting us. Hopefully we can carry out this responsibility for better UNAIR. Please always pray for us and support us to be consistent,” he added. (*)
Author: Ahmad Janni
Editor: Rio F. Rachman