UNAIR NEWS – Since reducing face-to-face activities for students on campus started Monday, March 16, 2020, Universitas Airlangga has continued to carry out its services for the community and academic community members. The employees’ scheduled shift implemented by directorates, units, centers, institutions and faculties.
Responding to the latest condition in the faculties after the implementation of the policy, UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., CMA., held an online leadership coordination meeting on Friday, March 20, 2020. Especially for the coordination of COVID-19 anticipatory step response in campus environment. There were vice-rectors, university secretary, directors, deans of all faculties, and directors of UNAIR Postgraduate Schools.
“What is the current condition of your lecturers, staff, students in the faculty?” said Prof. Nasih at Hall Balairua, Level 4, Campus Management Office C UNAIR.
During the meeting, Prof. Nasih paid more attention to two things. First, the latest condition in the faculty environment, health of lecturers, administrative staff, and students, including service management in the faculties. Second is the finalization of online learning implementation after the online midterm test (UTS).
“What remain our greatest concerns due to outbreak of COVID-19, are lecturers, staff and students. For students, make sure their condition. Do not let the parents become anxious, “he said.
“If necessary the inspection step should be immediately carried out, especially for those who are indicated to have the symptoms of CVID-19, “he added.

Furthermore, Prof. Nasih greatly appreciated the implementation of the online midterm test held by the faculties, including the anticipatory step for students who research outside the city to remain in their respective places.
“Don’t let us (UNAIR academics, ed) not be covered (don’t get attention),” he said.
Efforts to reduce the potential distribution of COVID-19 are also conducted by UNAIR. For example, spraying disinfectants in faculties in campus A, B, and Campus C.
“Especially for faculties with international students, anticipatory steps must also be made immediately,” he said.
From the reports of each dean, there are no academics in each faculty who have COVID-19 symptoms. There are several reports of academics who experience illness. However, after being examined by a doctor, it turns out the person concerned only has an ordinary illness, not COVID-19.
“In handling this (COVID-19, ed), we still have to work hand in hand and coordinate with each other’s potential instruments,” he said.

Prof. Nasih also mentioned that efforts to minimize the spread of COVID-19 by doing activities at home must still be interpreted as productive activities. It means even at home, the student learning process will still be carried out through online learning. Therefore, the faculty is encouraged to immediately finalize technical and non-technical preparations.
“Faculty does not have to concentrate on AULA (E-Learning of Universitas Airlangga, ed) only. We can use other potential instruments as long as they are suitable for online learning, “he said. (*) Author: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i