Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Not only RSUA, other referral hospitals can provide coronavirus test examination

UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih gives a statement in front of the media crew. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

UNAIR NEWS – The spread of the corona virus (covid-19) in Indonesia is getting more intense. Anticipating greater spread, some hospitals and universities have prepared themselves to work to overcome the outbreak. One of them is Universitas Airlangga Hospital, which is ready to conduct examination of specimen related to the coronavirus.

UNAIR was also appointed by the administration to be one of the three corona virus test sites in Indonesia. UNAIR Rector, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT, Ak., CMA said its institution readiness with the decision. According to him, UNAIR has been accustomed to conducting tests and examinations related to various viruses, ranging from influenza, SARS, Mers to Corona.

“Certainly in cases like this ITD UNAIR is ready to continue the work that has been done so far, receiving sample for testing,” he explained.

In this case, UNAIR also coordinates the examination and sample results that have been tested with the Balitbangkes. This, explained Prof. Nasih is an effort to minimize errors that occur.

“Don’t let it show false results, negative when it turns out to be positive. So all parties will check and recheck it, “he said.

Due to the lack of hospital capacity, continued Prof. Nasih, UNAIR appealed to the public to be patient and not go to RSUA altogether. The examination is also limited to 100 people every day. For corona examination procedures at RSUA, patients will queue, fill out a medical check form, then the doctors in charge will conduct examination and will take the next steps according to the conditions.

“So not everyone will do a throat swab, It depends on the criteria,” he said.

In the end, Prof. Nasih also said that the community could have themselves checked at East Java Province referral hospital. The referral hospitals will send the samples to ITD UNAIR for laboratory examination.

“Until now UNAIR is ready to examine 500 samples every day sent from various referral hospitals in East Java. And in the future if the outbreak continues, we will improve the capacity, “he said.

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia

Editor: Nuri Hermawan