
Universitas Airlangga Official Website


UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) of Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi received a visit from the Executive Board of Indonesian Veterinary Student Association (PB IMAKAHI). The activity took place at B201 lecture hall on Saturday last week. In addition, Head of PB IMAKAHI in 2019-2020 period, Arindraka Pratama Student of FKH Universitas Wijaya Kusuma attended the visitation.

At the beginning of his presentation, Head of PB IMAKAHI familiarly called Raka explained PB IMAKAHI’s management in the period 2019-2020. In addition, he also explained several PB IMAKAHI work programs such as National Conference, National Working Conference, Veterinary Science Event Week (VSE), Indonesia Veterinary Student Festival (INTERVAL), National Community Service (PENGMASNAS).

In addition, the student from Jakarta said that all of FKH students throughout Indonesia consisting of 11 universities would automatically become members and part of IMAKAHI. Not only that, IMAKAHI as an organization that has obtained legality from Kemenristek Dikti and responsible for running a curriculum formed with Indonesian Veterinary Doctors Association (PDHI).

“One example is Veterinary Integrity and Skill Improvement (VISION). The vision is carried out by each branch manager at least twice during one year of management,” he said.

The material has included hard skills and soft skills that have been compiled in a curriculum. Hopefully, it will create a more professional and superior generation of veterinary medicine in its competence.

“There are 15 values that will support the ability of veterinarian graduates and it is inseparable from 33 types of veterinary profession according to PDHI recommendations,” he said.

In addition, Raka explained that IMAKAHI is a forum for all FKH students in Indonesia without exception. Everyone has the same rights in the management of IMAKAHI.

“We hope that more FKH students will participate in Prokernas and also activities from PB IMAKAHI because you will gain experience, insight, and network. On the other hand, FKH PSDKU UNAIR can be better known by colleagues from other FKH, “he concluded (*)

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan