Universitas Airlangga Official Website


No.Nama KonsorsiumAktifitas
1.SATU President ForumJRS (Joint Research Scheme)SATU Mobility for Regional Talent (SMART) 2.0
2.ASAIHL (Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning)Bridges for Science and Education in PolandBridges for Science and Education in Poland
30th Anniversary Conference on Academic Integrity in the 21st Century30th Anniversary Conference on Academic Integrity in the 21st Century
3.ASEA-UNINET (ASEAN European Academic University Network)Ernst Mach Grants – ASEA-UNINET
Indonesia-Austria Scholarship Programme
Bernd Rode AwardBernd Rode Award
4.AUAP (Association of the Universities of Asia and the Pacific)Faculty Development of Internationalization in Higher EducationAsia Pacific Students' Exchange Programme (APSEP)
In-Country Faculty Development SeminarAsia Summer University Programme
Joint Educators and Student SummitThe 8th Global Leadership Programme (GLP)
45th AUAP Annual Conference (25th AUAP Celebration and 50th DHC Celebration)Joint Educators and Student Summit
The 1st AUAP-VEX World Robotic Competition
2nd AUAP Inter-Continental Basketball Competition
International Social Business Summer Programme (ISBSP) 2021
2nd Student English Debating Competition
5.AIC (Australia-Indonesia Centre)
6.WUACD (World Universities Association for Community Development)
7.AUN+3 (ASEAN University Network)
8.WAEJUC (Western Australia-East Java University Consortium)
9.An-Micro (ASEAN Networking of Microbial Utilization)
10.ATU-NET (Asia Technological University Network)ACES IPSCC 2021
11.UMAP (University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific)
12.AAHCI (Association of Academic Health Centers International)
13.COMSTECH (The Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the OIC)COMSTECH is to strengthen cooperation among OIC Member States in science and technology


Bersama-sama dengan para mitra, Universitas Airlangga berkolaborasi dengan potensi unggulan setiap pihak dalam pengembangan nilai-nilai Tri Dharma Perguruan tinggi. Terutama bidang penelitian dalam menghadapi problem isu di tengah masyarakat.