UNAIR NEWS – Student Executive Board (BEM) of Faculty of Medicine (FK) in Surabaya has well preserved unity. Dozens of FK students from various universities held a “Unite in Prayer, Strong In Togetherness” event which concluded the pledge of condemnation towards any forms of terrorism in Indonesia.
The declaration and solidarity action of FK students in Surabaya was held on FK Universitas Airlangga on Friday, May 18. Before the declaration, they first performed tarawih prayers in Mushala GraBIK FK UNAIR, followed with a discussion in Anatomy lecture hall with a speaker Ustad Ir. H. Misbahul Huda, MBA.
Representatives of the eight FK were from UNAIR, Wijaya Kusuma University (UWKS), Hang Tuah University (UHT), Ciputra University (UC), Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya (Unusa), Universitas Surabaya (Ubaya), Widya Catholic University Mandala Surabaya (UKWMS), and FK University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya (UM). It even invited other organizations in FK UNAIR such as CIMSA, AMSA, and some Medical Faculty Teams of Medical Faculties in Surabaya.
Five statements were declared in the petitions signed by the respective BEM representatives: First, condemn all forms of terrorism in Indonesia. Second , fully support and help the government to realize tolerance of religious communities in combating terrorism in Indonesia.
Third, invite all citizens of Indonesia to always be vigilant and cautious to those who seek to divide the nation. Fourth, build students’ character which strongly rejects radicalism in the university environment. Fifth, invite the whole society not to link all acts of terrorism with a tribe / race / any religion.
The signing of the petition was represented by the Head of BEM FK UNAIR Prima Ardiansyah Surya, Deo Apriyangga AN (UWKS), Erika Puteri Z (UHT), Kevin (UKWMS), Akbar RM (Unusa), M. Frando (UM), M. Setyo Aji P (UC), and Noza (Ubaya). They also gave short speeches on the occasion.

The Head of BEM FK UNAIR Prima Ardiansyah explained that this activity was a form of solidarity and concern of FK students in Surabaya over the tragedy of terrorism acts that shook the city of Surabaya and Sidoarjo. The bombings on Sunday, May 13, 2018, in three churches in Surabaya, killed 14 casualties.
“As FK students with no regard for tribe, religion, race, or any groups, we do not tolerate the act of radicalism that causes this tragedy, especially that happened in Surabaya,” he said.
He hoped that the solidarity act raised by the students of FK in Surabaya will help strengthening the attitude of the society to fight radical ideology, especially terrorism in Indonesia. The petition will be sent to ISMKI (Indonesian Medical Student Senate Association) as well in the hope of being addressed together.
In the discussion, Ustad Misbahul Huda also expressed his opinion that the bombings in the three churches really tore the peace of Surabaya. The act of radicalism is not at all in the name of religion, nor there are Moslems who feel their rights were defended.
“What happened to his belief that his child and wife will die as martyrs? No. They did not die as shahid but they sangit (burnt), “said Ust Misbahul Huda as he opened his lecture.
He explained in detail the process of thinking of a person, from normal and reasonable mind, to the distorted and radical. If the thought had gone into the subconscious, he mastered only 82% of his thoughts. It often gets carried to his sleep and his dreams, while the conscious part was only 18%.
“It is unfortunate that the subconscious is not filled with good and useful things as it is clear that good men can contribute their best to others as well. For example Steve Jobs, “said Ust. Misbahul Huda. (*)
Author: Bambang Bes