UNAIR RADIO – To facilitate students’ aspirations and to support Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) towards World Class University were vision and mission of SUPER Cabinet of Student Executive Council (BEM) UNAIR for the term 2016-2017. Since their induction on March 16, 2016, the Head and Deputy BEM UNAIR have already prepared some new programs and organizational structures.
Muhammad Rizky Fadhillah (FIB/2012) and Ikhwanun Mudhofir Hariri (FH/2013), the Head and Deputy of BEM UNAIR, inducted by UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. M. Nasih, S.E., M.T., Ak, together with other students’ organizations’ structures at university or faculty level.
During interview, Rizky said that he wanted to encourage UNAIR students to think more critically and be more active in UNAIR activities. Similar to Rizky, Hariri the deputy also wanted UNAIR civitas academica to contribute more in the society.
To implement the programs as their expectation, Rizky and Hariri named their cabinet, Cabinet SUPER. “Huruf S berarti Satukan cita, cinta, dan rasa untuk keluarga mahasiswa UNAIR. Huruf U berarti Unggulkan sumber daya mahasiswa agar lebih progresif di tengah masyarakat. Huruf P berarti Prakarsa atas terwujudnya aspirasi keluarga mahasiswa UNAIR. Huruf E berarti Eratkan gerakan mahasiswa yang kreatif dan inovatif. Terakhir, huruf R berarti Revitalisasi penerapan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi,” Rizky said.
Cabinet SUPER consist of four coordinating ministries, Scientific, Harmonization, Progressive Movement and Innovation. All ministries have jobs and programs pursuant to vision and mission of BEM leadership.
The Head and Deputy BEM UNAIR hoped that in their leadership for a year ahead, they can increase more studies and positive actions on issues developing in campus and society. Furthermore, they both wanted to make all civitas academica in synergy to support UNAIR towards World Class University.
Here is the complete interview with UNAIR Radio crew! (*)
Author: Faridah Hari
Editor: Defrina Sukma S