From the morning to the afternoon of this day (10/3/2023) Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Airlangga (FF UNAIR) held a Student Workshop. This activity was carried out in the Nanizar Zaman Joenoes Building, to be precise, on the 1st floor of the Hall.
FF UNAIR Student Executive Board (BEM) and Student Legislative Body (BLM) staff who were inaugurated in early 2023 were invited as participants in this workshop. In addition, this activity was also attended by Leaders, Commissions and Heads of Subdivisions and Student Affairs Staff, as well as several lecturers who acted as supervisors of student activities.
A total of 4 resource persons were presented at this workshop. The first resource person was Mr. Catur Dian Setiawan, M.Kes. who is a representative from the Directorate of Student Affairs UNAIR who is also a lecturer at FF UNAIR. He explained material about UNAIR Student Affairs Excellence Program in 2023.
After the resource person has finished delivering the material and completing the question and answer session. This time it was the turn of Mrs. Dina Septiani, Ph.D. who acted as resource person 2 to present his explanation. As Head of the Internationalization Division of Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE), through his presentation he introduced AGE programs related to student affairs, or commonly known as student inbound or outbound.
The event then continued with the presentation of some information by the Head of FF UNAIR Student Affairs Subdivision, Mr. Budi Santoso, S.Sos. At that time he provided information as well as students to be obedient in reporting student activities to achievements and scholarships obtained by students.
Finally, before the break and prayer time, the 4th resource person, namely Deputy Dean II of FF UNAIR, Mr. Mahardian Rahmadi, Ph.D. describes material related to financial reporting of student activities in detail.
After a break, at 13.00 the activity resumed with discussions regarding the work programs of BEM and BLM in 2023. This time the agenda was led directly by the Chair of the Student Affairs Commission, Mr. Ahmad Dzulfikri Nurhan, M.Farm.
Workshop participants are divided into several groups according to their department. Then each group will discuss its work program with its supervisors. Then at the end of the event, each group will present the results of their discussion.