Universitas Airlangga Official Website

The DAAD Scholarship Program: FH UNAIR Collaborates with Two German Universities

The Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga (FH UNAIR), is again collaborating with foreign universities to increase higher education’s internationalization and expand international cooperation. This time, FH UNAIR is working with Fachoschule Dortmund and Bundeswehr University, Munich, which is also funded by DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst). Apart from FH UNAIR, the two universities from Germany also collaborated with Riau Islamic University.


The collaborative activity, “Digitalization in Law and Society in Indonesia” began in January 2023. One of the series of joint activities was the student exchange which involved two selected students taking part in the student exchange program with a separate funding scheme.


“The funding scheme is that one student is funded by DAAD, while FH UNAIR funds another student,” said Ria Setyawati, Secretary of the Department of Law FH UNAIR.


The selection process was held on January 6-9 2023. Ria said the interview stage for the DAAD scholarship selection process was held on Monday (9/1/2023). The interview was divided into four sessions attended by selected candidates who passed the administrative selection and were conducted through internal interviews. Internal interviews were conducted with five interviewers consisting of Dr. Enny Narwati as Deputy Dean I of FH UNAIR, Amira Paripurna Ph.D. as Head of the UNAIR Law Undergraduate Study Program, Dian Purnama Anugerah as Director of Airlangga Law Center, Franky Butar Butar as Chair of UNAIR Law Student and Alumni Affairs, and Taufik Rachman as Head of the Department of Law UNAIR.


“Apart from that, there were interviews with external parties conducted in three sessions via the Zoom Meeting platform, namely with interviewers who were team members and program managers from Fachoschule Dortmund and Bundeswehr University,” said Ria.


The two student candidates who eventually passed the DAAD scholarship were two FH UNAIR students class of 2020, Putu Angelika Beryanta Putri and Kalila Nahswa Ludmila.


Apart from student exchanges, this collaboration also includes other academic activities such as national seminars, lecturer exchanges, and opening opportunities for students from Germany to attend summer school at FH UNAIR.