Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Wahyu Dhyatmika Receives Soetandyo Award 2022: Voicing Public Participation in Journalism 

SURABAYA – HUMAS | The CEO of Tempo Digital, Wahyu Dhyatmika successfully received the Soetandyo Award on Thursday (15/12/2022). The Soetandyo Award is an award given to a national figure who contributed to defending human rights, and public issues, and voicing the minority’s opinion. This award was taken from the name of the late Prof. Soetandyo Wignyosoebroto who became the founder and first dean of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Airlangga. 

“We are grateful because the values which my grandfather fought for are still remembered today,” said Saraswati, the granddaughter of the late Prof. Soetandyo. Vinsendio M. A Dugis, Drs., Ma., Ph. D as one of the judges explained that Wahyu is someone who follows the Prof. Soetandyo’s principles such as defending and voicing marginalized people voice. These two principles are still relevant today.  

“I think that a healthy public room is important so the voices of those who are marginalized can be heard. Those public voices later will take a part in formulating and making the policies by the government,” said Wahyu while giving his greeting at Adi Sukadana Room. “As for the example RUU KUHP. This Rancangan Undang-undang (law draft) which now has become official policy describes how the government is trying to do intervention in the private room and seize the freedom of the civilians,” added this graduate of Communication Science FISIP Unair. 

In his presentation, Wahyu explained that current journalism still has not yet successfully become the voice representation of minorities. Therefore, together with Tempo, Wahyu cooperates with the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) to create a wider public forum to represent the voice of minorities. Wahyu also quoted Prof. Soetandyo’s statement when the law is considered unfair, there will be a social disaster. Prof. Soetandyo’s statement is still quite relevant in today’s era. 

“I was a student at the Communication Science of FISIP UNAIR. Besides that, I also become a member of Retorika. Since I was a student, I feel like journalism is my passion. I can critique this social injustice around me. From relations that I have, I was able to do internships in several media industries until finally, I was able to work at tempo,” said Wahyu who also makes Mochtar Lubis his role model.  

Wahyu thinks that as a journalist, people need to have a strong idealism. Journalists must be bold in voicing injustice, criticizing, and rejecting the invitation from other parties who give material things in exchange for silence. Don’t let journalists violate the journalism code of ethics which makes people lose their trust in media.  

“For FISIP students, don’t forget to always learn Sir Tandyo’s thoughts. Always discuss its relevance to our current situation. Generate new important concepts from Sir Tandyo’s ideas for the public, so that his principles continue to be relevant and become an inspiration for students and the community,” said Wahyu while closing the interview session.  

This article reflects on the values of the 16th SDGs Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, and the 17th Partnership for the Goals (AS, PDA).