UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR steps to Top 500 University cannot be separated from international publications support. It was stated by Dr. Prihartini Widiyanti, drg., M.Kes.,in a workshop entitled “Internasionalisasi Jurnal Melalui Indexing ke Lembaga Pengindex DOAJ Dan Scopus (Journal Internationalization through Indexing to DOAJ and Scopus) ”.
In the presence of journal managing division from each faculty in Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Yanti as the Head of Scientific Journal and Publication Development Center UNAIR, said that by introducing the indexing international institutions such as DOAJ ( Directory of Open Access Journals) and Scopus to the journal managing division from each faculty, international publications from UNAIR civitas academica will be faster in giving positive impacts.
“All this time we look for journals from UNAIR journal management, because we know that journal publications at international level support university performance to reach 500 Top World Class University,” she said.
In the event held in Kahuripan Hall Room 301, on Tuesday April 26, Prof. Dr. Ir. Koeswanto, MS as the main speaker said that at the moment, the most suitable indexing institution for Indonesia was Scopus.
“Scopus is indeed the most suitable for Indonesia, as the data and journals are good. Not usual user can submit a journal at Scopus,” said the man who is also a professor on Agricultural.
Koeswanto regretted so many journal managements which have not known the existence of indexing institution Scopus, it can be seen from the number of journals which is still lower compared to other countries. By publishing journals to Scopus, it will be profitable for the journal managing divisions, as it is free, journals’ authors with quality will be funded to keep writing in the future.
“Indonesian publications indexed at Scopus was lower than Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.,” he said. “So let’s do this ladies and gentlemen, let’s write our journals and submit them to DOAJ and Scopus. If we are lucky, fund will come to us exponentially,” he said asking the workshop participants. (*)
Author : Dilan Salsabila
Editor : Nuri Hermawan