Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Preparing for National Dentist Competency Exam, 123 FKG students join online tryout

FKG students joined the online tryout via zoom on Thursday, July 16, 2020. (Photo: Andri Haryanto)

UNAIR NEWS – Facing the National Dentist Competency Exam on August 8, online tryout was held amid pandemic to help students practicing for exams which is also a requirement for graduation in obtaining a degree in dental medicine. Vice Dean I Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) UNAIR, Prof. Dr. Anita Yuliati, drg., M. Kes said that the tryout was the first time it was conducted online and carried out by Indonesian Dentist Association which was followed by 32 IPDGs with a total of 1400 participants through zoom app on Thursday, July 16, 2020.

On that occasion, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) sent 123 students to take part in the online dentist competency exam. The ability test conducted online aims to measure the ability of students in preparing the mental and material for the exam.

“The online tryout is the first time ever been held. Although there are obstacles, of course it will not be a barrier and instead will be an evaluation material for the future, “said Prof. Anita.

Technically, the previous national competency exam tryout was offline. But this time it’s different, everything is done online. FKG provides 14 zoom rooms each with one supervisor and 10 students.

“The competency exam tryout is one of the practices for the graduation requirements exam. And this national competency exam is an exit exam which means that if they pass they will get a dentist’s degree by following a dentist’s oath-taking ceremony, ” she concluded.

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia