Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Preventing fail shrimp harvest, UNAIR FPK academics hold community service

Kedungpandan villagers stir up the probiotics that will be poured into the pond water. (Doc: Community Service Team)

UNAIR NEWS – There is a major problem with shrimp farmers’ fail harvest, the declining quality of pond water causes high mortality of shrimp which leads to harvest failure. Therefore it is necessary for the involvement of academics to assist and provide solutions for shrimp farmers.

With this, Ir. Muhammad Arief, M. Kes, and the head of the community service with the lecturer team of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga (FPK UNAIR) carried out a community service funded by DRPM Dikti Research Scheme. Community service with the research scheme entitled “PKM Probiotic Application to Suppress Moratality Rate of Vaname Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) and Improve Pond Water Quality in Kedungpandan Village Jabon Sidoarjo”. The community service was held at the Kedungpandan Village Office on Wednesday, July 22, 2020.

Community service activities include demonstration of probiotics application that are useful for improving pond water quality, and improving the shrimps’ defenses to prevent pathogenic infections causing harvest failure.

“The aim of this community service is to increase shrimp harvest in traditional plus and semi-intensive ponds by solving the main problems of farmers who often fail to harvest,” said Ir. Muhammad Arief.

Academics of FPK community service team with farmers from Kedungpandan Village. (Doc: Community Service Team)

Kedungpandan Village farmers will apply probiotics in shrimp ponds accompanied by community service teams for one shrimp harvest cycle.

“The application of probiotics will bring good water quality for shrimp, so it can reduce shrimp mortality,” said Dr. Gunanti, Head of Fish and Aquaculture Health Management (MKI-BP) Department who participated in the community service.

Dr. Gunanti hoped that community service of probiotics application in Kedungpandan Village can improve farmers’ knowledge and skills on traditional and semi-intensive shrimp culture technology, improve the welfare of farmers, revitalize ponds that are no longer operational, reduce unemployment, and increase the yield of vannamei shrimp and tiger shrimp farmers. (*)

Author: R. Dimar H.A

Editor   : Binti Q Masruroh