Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Prof. Nasih emphasizes professors’ research must be realized into products

UNAIR Rector, Prof. Nasih, during his speech at the inauguration of professors on Wednesday, December 8, 2021. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga held another inauguration of professors. In the Open Session of the inauguration, four new UNAIR professors were inaugurated on Wednesday, December 8, 2021, in Garuda Mukti Hall, Campus C UNAIR.

Among them were Prof. Dewi Melani Hariyadi, S.Si., M.Phil., Apt., Ph.D, in the field of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy; Prof. Dr. Hartati, Dra., M.Si in the field of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology; Prof. Dr. Indah Listiana Kriswandini, drg., M.Kes in the field of Oral Biology, Faculty of Dental Medicine; and Prof. Dr. Alfiah Hayati, M.Kes in the field of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Science and Technology.

In his speech, UNAIR Rector, Prof. Nasih, said the new professors should contribute significantly to both national and global advancement. The ideas conveyed by the new professors are new energy and enthusiasm that will inspire the community.

“Hopefully, the ideas can be followed up in more real research steps to produce something beneficial for the community, both nationally and internationally,” he said.

Prof. Nasih said that it is the duty of professors and academics to be able to optimize the benefit of their research for the welfare of mankind. According to him, finding something useful, such as a cure for all diseases, is the task of the astute scholars.

“There is no disease for which there is no cure, but the researchers have not found a cure for the disease,” he explained.

It is a great responsibility for professors to improve and follow up their research. For instance, the design of drug delivery and the use of catalysts that are more environmentally friendly will be a solution to the problems in the community.

“Professional and intelligent professors are expected to be able to direct people’s behavior and find solutions. Therefore, various common things that have bad impacts can be avoided by giving alternative options,” he said.

Meanwhile, Prof. Nasih continued, being a professor means holding the mandate of science and welfare by finding and providing solutions to various kinds of problems and alternatives to a more noble and effective life so that the ‘normal’ becomes the ‘new normal.’ “We are ready to encourage follow-up research into products readily available for the community with extraordinary impacts,” he explained.

At the end of his speech, UNAIR Rector said that the existence of Universitas Airlangga will only be recognized if its academics continuously contribute and provide solutions for society and the country. “We hope that the research carried out will not only stop at publication but the outcome is expected to be beneficial products,” he concluded.

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia