UNAIR NEWS – Hospitals are institutions that provide health services through prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts. Nurses, as one of the health workers in the hospital, contribute significantly to determine the quality of health services by giving more attention to the condition and needs of patients.
Excellent health care facilities in hospitals are influenced by several factors: individual, organizational, and occupational factors. Therefore Prof. Dr. Nursalam M.Nurs. (Hons) as Dean of Faculty of Nursing UNAIR was moved to conduct research related to the quality of work and performance of nurses.
“My research’s title was The Correlation between the Quality of Nursing Work Life and Job Performance,” said Prof. Dr. Nursalam M.Nurs. (Hons).
Prof. Dr. Nursalam said the research was conducted to facilitate existing research results and to improve the quality of nursing education, services, and research. Through the paper, he wanted to analyze the correlation between individual factors and nurse performance. He continued that if a nurse tried to improve professional loyalty, it would have a positive impact on their work performance.

He also explained that the journal discussed various scientific articles which update knowledge of the field of nursing. Also, with the main fields in the form of research articles with the latest scientific references. So that it can be a reference for the community in developing science.
“Nursing services as part of health services contribute greatly in determining the quality of health services in hospitals,” he added.
Nursalam also mentioned that QNWL is an essential element possessed by nurses, and it can affect the quality of health services provided to patients. He also emphasized that there are differences among hospitals, organizational systems, and the environment.
Then it will produce different QNWL for each employee. These differences can be related to the condition of the unit, number, and type of units, and policies. Influencing factors consist of ability, knowledge, education, length of work, skills, motivation, and norms.
At the end of Prof. Nursalam said that the results of the study showed a correlation between QNWL and nurse performance. Educational and QNWL factors have an impact on nurse performance. He also said that the nursing journal had improved, which had once been the only nursing journal in Indonesia accredited by the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI).
“This is evidenced by the acquisition of national accreditation of Science and Technology Index (SINTA) 2. Until now, it is heading towards the indexing process by Scopus,” he stated.
Author: Tunjung Senja Widuri
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia
Reference: Nursalam. 2010. Clarke PN, Brooks B. Quality of nursing worklife: Conceptual clarity for the future. Nurs Sci Q. 23(4):301–5.
link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328657872_The_correlation_between_the_quality_of_nursing_work_life_and_job_performance