
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Promoting a Concern for the Environment, Nursing Master Students Plant Trees

UNAIR NEWS – “Lead the Scene to Keep it Green” was the theme of the medicinal herbs (TOGA) planting event held by Nursing master students of UNAIR. There were at least 21 students focused on Nursing Management participating in the event held in Taman Bibit Surabaya, Friday, December 16.

Kristiawati, M.Kep., Ns.Sp.Kep.An as the supervising lecturers was also present. After the event, Kristi said that the event was a part of Tri Dharma of University and their concern to the environment.

“It was a part of implementation of Tri Dharma. It is the first event, next, we will hold it every year. So not only for nursing management, but everyone can join,” she said.

Asked about the relation of nursing and tree planting, Kristi explained that a nurse is a profession of humanity which provide treatments to humans, but on the other hand, a nurse also needs to have concern for the environment.

“We must also have concern for the environment and by planting the trees we made contribution to the environment not only the hospital,” she explained. “I also hope that this activity can be held again next year by students,” added Kristi.

The head of the committee, I Gede Juana Masta, S.Kep., Ners., added that they have planted at least 90 herbal plants such as chillies, ginseng, blue porterweed, blumea balsamifera, willow-leaved justicia, the cat’s whiskers, and soursop. The student from Bali also emphasized that the event will be familiar with environmental conservation especially for medicinal herbs planting.

“The event hopefully will create a habit to plant and concern for the environment which later can be useful for each family,” he said. (*)

Author: Nuri Hermawan
Editor:  Faridah Hari