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PSDKU UNAIR Aquaculture Welcomes Accreditation Team

UNAIR NEWS – After going through various preparations, Study Program (Prodi) S1 Aquaculture (BP) PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi finally welcomed the accreditation visitation for the first time on Wednesday, March 21. In the visitation, the assessors were Suadi Drs. M.si P.hD., from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Eddy Afrianto, Dr. Ir. M.Si., from Padjadjaran University (Unpad).

They were welcomed by Dean and staffs of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine (FPK) UNAIR in A103 Meeting Room PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi. There were also HEad of BPM (Quality Assurance Agency) UNAIR Prof. Dr. Sukardiman, MS., Apt .; Vice Rector IV Junaidi Khotib, S.Si., M.Kes., Ph.D., Apt .; as well as Coordinator of PSDKU UNAIR Prof., Dr., Suryanto, M.Si., and Secretary of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi A. Agung Gede Satia Utama, SE., M.Si., Ak. including the S1 program.

The visitation took place for two days, March 21 and 22 at Campus Giri PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi. The assessors’ visit was the first step in determining the accreditation status for the Aquaculture undergraduate program.

Head of Aquaculture study program PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi Prayogo S.Pi, M.Si explained, the assessor were not too focused on alumni. Because, in 2018, Aquaculture PSDKU study program is only 4 years old, there is no graduates yet.

“So, we’ll just present the users, stakeholders in Banyuwangi such as the head of fishery and food agency, head of Banyuwangi Fish Seed Center, and head of Banyuwangi Fishery Education and Training Center, “he said.

“Also, one of the Alumni UNAIR Surabaya who is currently a businessman of Banyuwangi grouper cultivation and Head of the Shrimp Club (Shrimp Club) Banyuwangi,” he added.

This, he added, is related to the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) which has been done by the Aquaculture study program PSDKU with several agencies, especially for the cooperation for student activities such as internships, thesis, research, and community service.

“The agency also agreed to receive some of the first Aquaculture graduates this year,” said Prayogo S.Pi, M.Si.

Meanwhile, Dean of FPK UNAIR Dr. Mirni Lamid, drh., MP., revealed that the accreditation activity is very important. Because, with the assessment, the status of program accreditation will be achieved.

The results of the accreditation will affect quality recognition of Aquaculture graduates. Accreditation is also the proof of successful cooperation between UNAIR and Banyuwangi Regency Government.

“Pemkab Banyuwangi already gives full support to the implementation of this accreditation. UNAIR also supports it equally. We have done our best. Just waiting for the results, ” he said.

“We have high hopes on this accreditation. When this PSDKU campus really stands firmly, people in Banyuwangi and surrounding areas no longer need to go far to Surabaya. Studying in Banyuwagi is enough because quality and quality assurance is the same as in UNAIR Surabaya, “he added. (*)


Author: Siti Mufaida

Editor: Feri Fenoria