
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi Freshmen Comments

UNAIR NEWS – Since 2014, PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi campus has opened admissions with 4 faculties, FEB, FKH, FKM, FPK. In its first three years, the campus named PDD UNAIR Banyuwangi, received about 160 new students from various regions in Indonesia every year. As a new campus located in the eastern tip of Java Island, it is only natural that freshmen must adapt more in different environments.

Here are some of the impressions of freshmen of UNAIR Banyuwangi PSDKU regarding their new campus.

Faridha Kusumaningrum, FPK 2018 from Ngawi

“The first thing that I feel as a freshman of UNAIR Banyuwangi is gratitude, being thankful in many ways, especially for having friends who are fun, great, and very close as our numbers are limited, we are able to foster a sense of family and belonging one another. I’m sure God gives what you need, not what you want.”

 Muhammad Hanif Rizky A., FEB 2018 from Banyuwangi

“Alhamdulillah, being a new member of PSDKU UNAIR is a dream since I was in high school. From the beginning, I planned and prepared for it, so as if all the imagery on the head just materialized as expected. As a part of PSDKU UNAIR, I’m definitely proud of UNAIR, with optimism and good intentions to help PSDKU obtained A accreditation in each program. ”

Mochammad Rizky Priatisda, FKM 2018 from Sampit, Kalimantan

I am really proud to be a part of UNAIR, my prayer and struggle are answered by Allah SWT and I came on top of thousands of people who of course wanted to join UNAIR. The point is I am proud to be Ksatria Airlangga, ”


Lusi Rosita, FKH 2018 from Banyuwangi

“I feel happy because I can be accepted at the campus which is actually near my house, here I also find cool friends, the seniors are also good and very supportive. Besides, the lecturers here are still young, so if you want to consult, they are fun and easygoing. It is comfortable because Banyuwangi is cool and not too crowded as well. ”

Author: Bastian Ragas

Editor: Nuri Hermawan