UNAIR NEWS – Gradually, Universitas Airlangga continues to improves other supporting educational facilities, especially in the Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) in Banyuwangi, both for Campus Giri and Sobo. PSDKU Healthcare Service Post (PSDKU) is officially opened on Tuesday, March 20 at Campus Sobo.
Secretary of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi A. Agung Gede Satia Utama, SE., M.Si., Ak., revealed that the university keeps making improvement of PSDKU, including its facilities. Some facilities for student organizations as well as community interests and talents are improved continuously.
From a healthy canteen, PLK, Student Activity Center (PKK), art space, to the laboratories. There are laboratories for computer, epidemiology, occupational safety health, and the health promotion media.
There is also an integrated laboratory consisting three large rooms, especially for veterinary medicine programs and aquaculture.
“Also, the sports hall, the addition of reading room and faculty room, as well as the multipurpose building (hall, ed),” he said.
Agung Gede added that continuous improvement, especially education facilities, is expected to provide a sense of comfort to students. That way, learning activities can run well.
“Health facilities for the academic community is also improved. PLK (Health Service Post, ed), for example. The cooperation with Puskesmas Sobo Banyuwangi has also been established for the management, “he explained.
“It will be open for five days, from Monday to Friday. The attending doctors come from the puskesmas, “he added.
Meanwhile, Head of Public Health Study Program of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi H. Moh. Zainal Fatah, Drs., M. Kes., stated that with the PLK, curative service access for students and lecturers is expected to be closer. Not only curative services, but also preventive services as well.
“As planned, this healthcare service post began to be fully operational by the end of this March,” he said.
On the other hand, Nur Risca Azizah, one of the first batch of students, 2014, Public Health Study program of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi, expressed her pride for the efforts to improve and complete the facility. She hoped PSDKU can continue to grow. In addition, students are expected to support these efforts with achievements, both academic and non-academic.
“I’m proud of the continuous improvement made by PSDKU. Hopefully there’ll be more progress in the future. Including us, through achievements, “she said. (*)
Author: Siti Mufaidah
Editor: Feri Fenoria R