
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

PSDKU UNAIR To Hold Airlangga Young Kartini Contest

UNAIR NEWS – Student Community of Self Development and Personality (Munwa Pribadi) Off Main Campus Study Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi will hold Airlangga Young Kartini Session 3. A contest intended for students and public.

In Airlangga Young Kartini Session 3, there will be a coloring contest for kindergarten (4-6 years) and poetry reading for grades 3-6 elementary school. Registration for both contests will be opened from 12 March to 21 April 2018.

Furthermore, in addition to the coloring contest and poetry, there is photogenic contest for public and fashion show to general category A (6-10 years), category B (11-15 years), and category C ( 16-23 years). For both contests, the registration will be from 12 March to 22 April 2018.

“There was also a Campus Ambassador PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi election,” explained by event coordinator Evi Lutfiani.

Then, Evi added that Airlangga Young Kartini Session 3 is an annual event held by Munwa Pribadi. Later, Evi added, a series of events will be wrapped up with Airlangga Young Kartini Session 3 Night which will be held on 21-22 April 2018.

Evi said that the purpose of the activity is to appreciate the talents owned by the public around the campus and students PSDKU. At the end, Evi invited all the public and PSDKU students to join the event that will take place in April.

“So for UNAIR students and public who meet the criteria of the contest can participate in this series of events, there is millions of rupiah as prize. For those interested please register, more info can contact the committee at the number listed in the poster, ” she concluded.

Kartini muda
Illustration by committee


Author: Siti Mufaida

Editor: Nuri Hermawan