Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Public Health Alumni give recommendations on PSBB of Greater Surabaya

Discussion through Zoom by IKA FKM UNAIR. (Personal Doc.)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Alumni Association (IKA) Commissariat of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) held an online discussion entitled “Responding to the Greater Surabaya PSBB Policy as a Strategy for Preventing & Countering Covid-19”. The discussion took place on Sunday (4/26/20) through Zoom Meeting application.

The discussion attended by 240 Zoom participants and 40 YouTube live viewers featured Faculty of Public Health alumni from various classes. They are Prof. Sri Sumarmi, SKM, M.Si (Professor of FKM); Dr. Djazuly Chalidyanto, SKM, MARS (East Java PSBB Policy Drafting Team); Estiningtyas N., SKM, MARS (Head of IKA FKM UNAIR Commissariat and East Java Covid-19 tracing team volunteers); Agung Dwi Laksono, SKM, M. Kes (Research and Development Research Ministry of Health RI); and Moh. Yoto, SKM, M.Kes (Head of East Java Persakmi Regional Administration and Head of Health Resources of East Java Province Health Office).

The discussion moderated by Meytha Nurani, SKM, M.Sc.PH (Consultant for Health) lasted for approximately two hours. Topics of discussion included the role of community, public health scholars (SKM), the synergy of professional organizations in dealing with Covid-19, to the obedience of the community. The discussion resulted in several recommendations that were expected to be of concern.

“Some recommendations are expected to be a concern for FKM UNAIR alumni, the wider community and stakeholders related to Covid-19,” said Estiningtyas as the Head of IKA FKM UNAIR. Here are the recommendations:

Community role

The role of the community in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic is truly as the vanguard, because they are the target of Covid-19, considering that Covid-19 is a problem in society. In The five levels of prevention, divides the stages of efforts to control a health problem into five levels. The first level as well as the spearhead of service is ” Health Promotion “.

“The basic concept of health promotion is how to maintain the health status of a person or the community in the best condition, free from disease and health problems and productive life,” she explained.

The Role of SKM

Scholars of Public Health (SKM) as agents of change should also communicate to the public about Covid-19 by encouraging the participation of communities in preventing Covid-19 in their environment. This is done so that the public is ready and aware of the dangers of Covid-19.

“So as to consciously carry out social / physical distancing, clean and healthy life behavior, and how to increase endurance activities in the form of environmental preservation and control of spread,” she said.

SKM can also assist surveillance / tracking of individuals and communities who are in close contact with the Covid-19 confirmed case. As the profile and competence of the Scholar of Public Health (SKM), they are able to carry out epidemiological surveillance activities regardless of specialization.

Esti added, public health graduates from any specializations have learned about it. “So SKM can be more utilized to meet the needs as epidemiology surveillance personnel as the current needs,” she explained. (*)

Author: Ulfah Mu’amarotul Hikmah

Editor: Binti Q Masruroh