Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Rahayu Village Community Service invites residents to create feed for livestock

Distribution of UMMB Supplements to Farmers in Rahayu Village (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – In order to improve the quality and quantity of animal feed in Rahayu Village, Soko Sub-district, Tuban, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Community Service Program (KKN) provided farmers with insights on ruminant animal feed making in the form of supplements or additional feed called Urea Mineral Molasses Block (UMMB).

Oky Sapto Mugi as head of the KKN Group revealed that the work program implemented on Monday, July 20, 2020 was inspired by five cows belonging to local residents which died suddenly in the last three months.

“With this incident, we are thinking of providing special animal feed made with tested and proportional ingredients,” said UNAIR Faculty of Social and Political Sciences student.

Oky also said that for the work program, the students provided training and making this UMMB supplement and the results of this UMMB supplement directly distributed to farmers in Rahayu Village.

“The making of this UMMB supplement is made through the process of mixing ingredients such as sugar cane and urea mixed with salt and water and adding other ingredients such as bran and then stirring it until it blended well and put into pipes and bottles. After the molding process, UMMB supplements can be given to cattle once or twice a day, “Oky explained.

Oky also explained the benefits of UMMB supplement to meet nutrition for livestock growth and development considering that in the near future there will be Eid al-Adha, so UMMB supplement is really needed by farmers.

The dissemination was welcomed well by the farmers, and KKN group could observe the farmers in Rahayu Village giving the animal feed to their livestock in their homes.

“We hope that Rahayu Village farmers are willing to practice how to make UMMB animal feed as we have demonstrated. The material we use is certainly natural and economical so farmers in Rahayu Village will not be burdened for financial matters, “he concluded.

Besides Oky, there are eight other members of the Rahayu Village Community Service Program team, Della Choirunnisa (FISIP); M. Baktiyar Prayoga (FIB); Komari Aldiansyah (FH); Izzati Rahma (FEB); Mustika Vinda (FEB); Ainun Machmudia (FKH); Fakhma Ainuliza (FF); and Vera Ristiana (FKG). (*)

Caption: Distribution of UMMB Supplements to Farmers in Rahayu Village (Photo: By courtesy)

Author: Febrian Tito Zakaria Muchtar

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh