Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Rector encourages professors to make more contributions

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga has held another professorship inauguration. Universitas Airlangga Professorship Inauguration ceremony held on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, inaugurated five professors.

They are Prof. Dr. Purnawan Basundoro, SS, M.Hum., professor of Urban History, Prof. Dr. Kusnanto, S.Kp., M.Kes., in the field of Nursing, Prof. Dr. Irwanto, dr., Sp.A (K), in the field of Child Health, Prof. Dr. Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari, MP., professor of Animal Feed Science, and Prof. Muchammad Yunus, drh., M.Kes., Ph.D in the field of Entomology and Protozology at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

On that occasion, UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih said that with this inauguration, UNAIR had more than 200 active professors. It will make UNAIR recognized well by the public because professorship shows recognition of competence in the academic field.

“Thus, the more professors we have the more experts we have,” he said.

Furthermore, Prof. Nasih also hopes that the professors will contribute more, especially in developing knowledge in accordance with their fields. Professors, he said, in the future must be more enthusiastic in writing, teaching, researching and carrying out community service.

“Do not let this professorship reduce our contribution, but it must be improved to provide greater benefits. Benefits for myself, family, UNAIR, society and this nation, “he said.

Five Professors Inaugurated

There were five new professors delivering various scientific orations, some reviewed the pandemic conditions. First, Prof. Dr. Purnawan Basundoro delivered a scientific oration “Managing Space during a Pandemic: An Urban Historical Perspective”, and offered a city planning concept with a spatial structure that was friendly to Covid-19 outbreak handling.

Prof. Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari in her scientific oration offered an alternative to antibiotic growth promoter (AGP) in the form of probiotics. The use of AGP, she said, in a long period of time and uncontrolled manner lead to a negative impact, both on livestock and humans who consumed these livestock products.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Kusnanto, S.Kp., M.Kes., with his oration “New Paradigm: Improving the Quality of Life of Diabetics Based on Resilience”. The new paradigm of diabetes management is very important. Because, DM makes many sufferers feel stress, especially in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic.

Prof. Muchamad Yunus, delivered an oration on “Progress and Development of Coccidiosis Vaccines in Support of Increasing the Sustainability and Profitability of Indonesian Poultry Industry”, tried to develop a coccidiosis vaccine to increase the profitability of the poultry industry, through the use of a live attenuated coccidoisis polyvalent vaccine which has proven to significantly reduce the use of coccidiostats (suppresses resistance and residues).

In the end, Prof. Irwanto delivered an oration, “Child Health during Covid-19 Pandemic”. Children must receive attention amid a pandemic, because in Indonesia the figure reaches 8.3 percent of cases with a mortality rate of 1.9%. Although in the world it is only 1.7 percent. The signs and symptoms of COVID-19 in children are difficult to distinguish from other respiratory infections.

Author: Nuri Hermawan