Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Recyling coconut shell waste into cups

UNAIR NEWS – The 62nd Real Work Lecture Program – Community Learning (KKN-BBM) at Airlangga University (UNAIR) in mid-2020 looks different from before. During the pandemic, UNAIR continues to carry out community service program by implementing the health regulation.

The 62nd KKN BBM team in Jambi Province consisted of only two people. Namely Intan Fitri Hilza from Faculty of Humanities (FIB) and Firyana Susmiyanti from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP).

According to Intan, the activity took place precisely in Pondok Sungai Abu Village, Air Warm Timur District, Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province.

“Pondok Sungai Abu Village has a variety of superior potential in the economic field such as coffee, cinnamon, tea,” Intan said on Sunday, July 19.

Moreover, Pondok Sungai Abu community implemented health regulations: washing hands, wearing masks, and keeping their distance. Thus, they can still live in normal life.

Since June 29, Intan and Firyana have succeeded in holding several programs. One of the programs is the healthy living promotion during the pandemic and face shields distribution to local traders, such as Quran reading session with local children.

“We have a special work program, which transforms coconut shell waste into a beautiful coffee cup and environmentally friendly decoration that certainly has more value,” she said.

Coconut shell is an environmentally friendly material, easy to obtain, and has its aesthetic value. Besides, by utilizing it into handicrafts such as cups and unique decorations, it can directly reduce the accumulation of shell waste.

As we know that Indonesia is an agricultural country that also overgrown with coconut trees produce around 2.5-3 million tons of coconut fruit per year. Meanwhile, coconut shell waste can reach 360 thousand tons, but there are still many that have not been processed.

If it is not utilized, it will potentially become a problem going forward. Hopefully, the recycling activities carried out by Intan and Firyana can be followed by other communities so that they can become potential economic fields.

Intan admitted that even though she conducted KKN with one friend, she was very enthusiastic because the local people welcomed them warmly. It indirectly became motivation and encouragement for them.

“Thank you for the community support, especially for the Head of Village,” she continued.

“There was a small problem in the beginning. However, we can carry out this community service smoothly and follow the health regulation, ” she said.

“We carry out this community service together because we believe that team effort is needed in this program.” she concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i