
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Responding to Flash Flood Disaster, KM PSDKU Invites Volunteer

UNAIR NEWS – Due to heavy rain that flooded Alas Village in Malang, Singojuruh Subdistrict, Banyuwangi Regency, for the last two days resulted in flash floods as Badeng river overflowed.

The river overflowed becaused there was a blockage of tree material from the Songgon District area. Quoted from Kompas daily newspaper on Friday, June 22, 2018, there were about 300 houses affected by flash floods, while 15 houses were badly damaged.

Seeing this condition, the Social Department of Student Family (KM) PSDKU Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi initiated an event ” Volunteers  Limited Opportunity for Alas Flash Flood, Malang”.

The event was for students of PSDKU who want to become humanitarian volunteers. The quota of the volunteers was limited to 30 people. Recruitment was online considering the situation was at the end of the semester holiday.

Volunteers were provided with transportation and consumption from campus to disaster site. Aid given to affected residents was everyday necessities such as blankets, mats, baby milk, cooking utensils and others.

“At the site, the volunteers helped in the cleaning operation and provide motivation for the victims of the flood,” said Yuda Prayogi team from PSDKU Faculty of Public Health 2017. “The activity plan was carried out solely as a form of humanity to the victims flood disaster, “he added.

Some of the flood victims’ houses in the affected areas can be resettled but the road in Garut Hamlet was still full of mud from the rest of the flood. The volunteers will be distributed to areas that still need help in Garut and Alas Malang.

“We hope this activity was also supported by the Government of Banyuwangi Regency,” said Nur Azizatul Ikrima, a member of PSDKU Public Health Faculty team. “This activity is like a mutual relationship that is very beneficial for victims and volunteers, ” Ikrima concluded.

Author: Tunjung Senja Widuri

Editor: Nuri Hermawan