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Responding to challenges, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine holds webinar reviewing electronic prescriptions

Illustration by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has been known for its strong basic science since its inception. It is supported by three medical clusters, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine, and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Its role is also supported by Faculty of Pharmacy, which is oriented towards the medical pharmacy. Therefore, in commemoration of 66th Anniversary of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH), Universitas Airlangga, on Sunday, November 15, held a webinar entitled “ER / For Doctors, Dentists, Veterinarians, Pharmacists’ Management and Implementation in Indonesia.”

Attending at the event, speakers and experts in their fields, Dra. Togi J Hutajulu, Apt., MHA (Director of Drug Standardization BPOM), Prof. Dr. Mochamad Lazuardi, drh., M.farm. (Lecturer in Veterinary Pharmacy Science FKH UNAIR and Member of Animal Drug Commission of Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture, RI), Dr. Siti Farida, dr., M.Kes., Ph.D. (Lecturer in Medical Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia), Drg. Okky Prasetio SpBM (K) (Head of SMF Dental and Oral Clinic at dr. Moh.Soewandhie Hospital, Surabaya), and Dr. Irasari Yudanianti, drh., MP (Director of UNAIR Veterinary Teaching Hospital)

Prof. Lazuardi, during interview with UNAIR NEWS, said that this activity was inspired by several issues, including the drug control system in the digital era which has become a big challenge in terms of safety and quality of the drug. He continued, the Minister of Health has issued a circular regarding the implementation of health services through the use of information and communication technology in the context of preventing the spread of COVID-19. In this regard, he said, the application of electronic prescription, both open and closed electronic prescription, requires tighter supervision.

“The good intention of electronic prescription, which can make it easier for the community, especially in this pandemic, must be kept under surveillance. We have to be aware of individuals that misuse this, for example, the use of human medicine for animals which can lead to Antibiotic Microbial Resistance even to the occurrence of New Emerging Disease, “said Prof. Lazuardi.

In the future, the management of electronic prescription services in Indonesia must have a system called Big Data. He also said that it would facilitate services and direct regulation of drug use by doctors, dentists and veterinarians. 

Furthermore, Big Data can be used to analyze patterns of zoonotic disease relationships, evaluate the use of antibiotics, drug costs, minimize the black market of drugs , and most importantly, multi-sectoral collaboration can run well.

“Electronic prescriptions must be carefully considered so the principles of treatment can be maximized. We hope that technological developments can be used properly, including in health services from doctors, dentists, and veterinarians by returning to being based on the environment, “he concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan