UNAIR NEWS – To prepare for National Sports Week (PON) held in Papua in November 2020, KONI (Indonesian Sports Council) of East Java Province began to provide training to athletes who will compete. One of them is a briefing related to dangerous diseases in Papua.
The briefing was carried out by inviting doctors from Universitas Airlangga Hospital (RSUA). Being held in KONI Hall in Surabaya, the briefing was attended by 750 athletes and coaches from all over East Java. It was divided into three days, from 19 to 21 December 2019.
The second day briefing on Friday, December 20 was presented by Dr. Tripudy Asmarawati, Sp.PD. an internist of RSUA. In the briefing, Tripudy explained about dangerous diseases in Papua, including Malaria, Dengue Fever (DBD), and HIV AIDS.
Associated with malaria transmission, Tripudy said that it is a disease starting from the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito carrying malaria parasites.
“After this parasite (malaria, ed) enters the human body, the effect will not be felt immediately even several days later,” she said.
Tripudy revealed that the symptoms are chill, heat, and a lot of sweats from the body.
Besides malaria, a dangerous disease caused by mosquito bites is dengue fever (DBD). Aides aegypti is a mosquito that carries the virus of dengue causeing DBD.

Tripudy then explained the clinical symptoms that indicate someone infected with DBD. They include high fever, intermittent headaches, back pain, muscle and joint pain, nausea and vomiting, and hand rashes.
“As a prevention from Malaria and DBD, always use anti-mosquito lotion during activities there. Special for Malaria, take special medicine before leaving and while you are there as prevention,” said Tripudy.
Tripudy then explained about HIV / AIDS. In Papua itself, said Tripudy, is ranked in Indonesia with AIDS cases. The factor could be due to lack of health access. Transmission of HIV / AIDS occurs in two ways, through blood and genital fluids.
“For prevention of HIV / AIDS, avoid free sex, and use same syringes,” said Tripudy. (*)
Author: Sugeng Andrean
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh