UNAIR NEWS – Another religious desecration case has happened. It was on the saucepan with Alhamdu Allah sticker. Not long before that, a same thing had happened. Sandals with calligraphy of sacred qur’an verses were found. Even in the New Year festive moment, trumpets made of qur’an printed paper were also sold to public.
Regarding the frequent case of desecration, legal expert from UNAIR, Sapta Aprilianto, S.H.,M.H.LL.M viewed that police needs to form special task force. “Regarding the increasing cases related to religious desecration, the authority need to form a team or a division spcelly handle desecrations,” said the man known as Antok.
He said that the police possibly have not made this as a priority unlike the special crimes such as drugs abuse or corruption. The investigation would need a report filed or public complaint.
Thus, the law enforcement regarding this matter seems lacking. In fact, the law enforcement is appropriate as the police cannot work without a report or a complaint. Even the desecration on a religion was not a complaint; still the police needs a report filed before they could act. For that reason, public is expected to be pro-active. Their sensitivity on alleged desecration towards a religion is needed.
The special team or division later will observe and receive a complaint from the public. They can even initiate a research on religious desecration in the society so their work can focused and measures can be more optimal.
He added, the culprits of religious desecration can be punished if their misdeed did harm and disturbed the public. Even if they asked for a pardon, appropriately and legally the police could not stop the case. (*)
Author: Rio F. Rachman