UNAIR NEWS – UNAIR always believes that students from remote towns have the same right to quality education offered at UNAIR. It can be seen from how open UNAIR to school visits from various regions recently as a way to give access to information about UNAIR.
This time, schools in the west and the east of East Java visited UNAIR at the same time, on Wednesday February 24. They were MA Tarbiyatul Islam, Tuban and SMA Negeri Balung, Jember. There were about 300 students and some supervising teachers. They were welcomed by Information and Public Relations Center (PIH) UNAIR in Garuda Mukti Hall, Management Office Building of UNAIR.
“Welcome to UNAIR. Right now, you are in Garuda Mukti Hall, a sacred place where UNAIR professors are conferred,” said Wayan Putra, PIH staff who explained a lot of things about UNAIR.
Supervising teachers from both schools looked happy with the warm welcome from UNAIR.
“We do not want our students only continue studies in Jember. We want them to go to Surabaya too, especially UNAIR which is an excellent university,” said one of the supervising teachers from SMA Negeri Balung.
Asadullah Khoiri, a teacher from MA Tarbiyatul Islam expressed his gratitude for UNAIR warm welcome, even after knowing they were accepted in the sacred hall for UNAIR.
“We are from a small and remote school in Tuban. We were flattered to be accepted in this sacred room. Thanks for the opportunity given,” he said. He then said that there were no alumni of their school accepted in UNAIR, therefore he hoped that this visit can make their students strive to be admitted in UNAIR.
As any other school visits, PPMB also gave a lot of information on UNAIR freshmen admission.
“Students have to study hard. Even coming from a small school, if you show determination, you will be able to study at UNAIR,” said Imam Siswanto, PPBM staff. (*)
Author : Yeano Andhika