UNAIR NEWS – Students keep visiting and coming to Uiversitas Airlangga. The period of university admission, such as SNMPTN, SBMPTN or independent admission are almost here. Regulation changes on the selections also made teachers get their students ready as soon as possible.
This time, Information and Public Relations Center welcomed SMAN 4 Sidoarjo. There were about 160 students from class XII, either from Science class or Social class, with some teachers supervising them. The group was accepted in Kahuripan Hall, Management Office Building Campus C UNAIR on Monday February 22. After an address from PIH and the school’s representative’s, then information about UNAIR is presented by PIH and information on student admission was given by Student Admission Center (PPMB).
“This visit obviously to let the students know and experience more about UNAIR, to give motivations to get into UNAIR and most importantly to be admitted in UNAIR,” said Muji the deputy of Public Relations SMAN 4 Sidoarjo.
Muji expected their students to be inspired and continue studies in UNAIR. He also added that his school alumni is getting more and more admitted in UNAIR.
“After years, it is the first time we visit UNAIR. Hopefully it will be done routinely and more of our students can be admitted here,” he said.
Rama Adzalik, one of the students from Science class, expressed his interest to continue study in UNAIR. He showed his enthusiasm as it was the first time he came to UNAIR.
“I want to study in Medical Education UNAIR, because I want to work in medical field. I want to be a doctor,” said Rama.
After the visit from SMAN 4 Sidoarjo, PIH received another visit from SMAN 2 Cibinon Bogor, West Java on Tuesday February 23. Titin as the vice headmaster on public relations said that their visit was to give their students information on campus academic life.
“We came with 317 students and 20 teachers to UNAIR and hoped we would get complete information, moreover, it is also our annual program,” she said. (*)
Author : Binti Q. Masruroh
Editor : Nuri Hermawan