Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Semester break tips from UNAIR Banyuwangi students

 Illustrated by Unair News

UNAIR NEWS – Semester break is finally here! After final exam weeks over, this is the right time for students to going back home and mostly spending their time with family.

With long period of semester break, you can do a lot of things. Let’s look at UNAIR NEWS tips!


You can start off your semester break with applying for an internship, usually PSDKU students join internship activities during their semester break. The internship activity aims to increase knowledge and experience. It can be a plus point for students after they graduate because of their work experience.

Research and scientific paper preparation

Leisure time during the holidays is widely used by some students to do research and compile scientific papers. Besides, students can train their writing skill to prepare their thesis. Besides, students can also have the opportunity to submit their scientific work to LKTI, as well as national and international conferences.


Some students at PSDKU has businesses, mostly food and beverages, photography, aquascape, creative industries and animal husbandry. The focus of these young entrepreneurs is improving their business performance.

Community service camp  

Community service is one of the Tri Dharma, and it is a right time for students to devote themselves to the community. One of the community services is bidikmisi student service camp program organized by AUBMO. (*)  

Author: Dian Pratama

Editor: Nuri Hermawan