Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Sending 2060 students off to KKN, Prof. Nyoman: Students must be good at collaborating with the community

Vice Rector I, Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si delivers her remarks during KKN send-off ceremony on Saturday, December 28 at Airlangga Convention Center Campus C. (Photo: Aditya Gita R)

UNAIR NEWS – A total of 2060 students was officially sent-off for 61st KKN (Community Service Program) of Universitas Airlangga by Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si on Saturday, December 28 at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) Campus C UNAIR. KKN is one form of implementation in realizing the Tri Dharma of higher education which are education, research and community service.

The Community Service program entitled Building Country with Works will spread the students to several areas including, Tuban, Lamongan, Jember, Banyuwangi, Gresik, and Bandung. For those in Bandung, the KKN program is Citarum Harum, a collaboration with 39th Regional Military Command (Kodam).

Secretary of UNAIR Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) Budiarto, drh., MP said that there were seven KKN schemes to be dispatched. They are Thematic KKN-BBM (Learning with Communities), Back to Village KKN, IPE (Inter-professional Education) KKN, Overseas KKN, Citarum KKN, Geliat KKN and East Java Universities Collaborative Community Service.

With KKN, students are expected to be able to solve problems in the community. Now is the time for students to collaborate together to build the region. This Community Service Program will be over on January 23, 2020.

“The Community Service Program will be over on January 23, 2020. I hope that students will return in full, healthy and not lacking anything,” he said.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih, M.Si said that KKN is a place for students to learn everything in the community. Because this activity is a form of UNAIR social responsibility in realizing the tri dharma of higher education. Students are expected to be able to solve regional problems together by applying knowledge they have gained in universities.

“This activity is very innovative because the idea is extraordinary. This is what is called comprehensive University. Together carry out tasks to learn and implement knowledge in the community, to protect each other,” she said.

Prof. Nyoman believed that UNAIR students can deal with problems in the community well. Even though students are not only good at campus but also good at the community. According to her, students are educated to solve problems and it requires collaboration with the community.

“We believe you will be able to overcome that. You have a duty to study and maintain the good name of the alma mater. This is a form of devotion for the people of East Java in particular and for Indonesia in general, ” she concluded.

Author: Khefti Al Mawalia