UNAIR NEWS – Student Activity Unit (UKM) Bridge Universitas Airlangga successfully held a national bridge competition Airlangga Cup VII for two days on Saturday-Sunday, April 27-28. Followed by more than 350 participants from all over Indonesia, the competition was held in the 1st floor Hall, Campus C UNAIR Management Office.
The competition was opened with remarks from Bambang as the representative of GABSI (Joint Indonesian Bridge) in East Java. After that, there was a presentation from Novianti Lailia as Head of UKM Bridge 2019 and Amirul Muslim Amirullah as Head of Airlangga Cup VII.
Participants who joined the event came from various circles. Starting from highschool students, UNAIR students and public.
“For participants on Saturday, there were total of 114 athletes. Meanwhile, on this second day, there were 63 couples for the match between Youngster and 26 couple of Junior pair, ” he said.
On the first day, the competition began with a junior team and a Youngster team. While on the second day, Sunday followed by final round.
“Last Saturday, the preliminary proceedings were immediately followed after the semifinals until 20.30” said one of the organizers.
“Meanwhile, the winner annoucement will be held today, “he added.
Furthermore, there were also several East Java GABSI representatives. “For national bridge competitions, referees must be from GABSI.” said Novianti as Head of UKM Bridge 2019 period.
Novianti added Airlangga Cup VII was a warm-up event for athletes before East Java National Sports Week (Porprov). Over all, the competition went smoothly. There were no significant obstacles. The committee hoped Airlangga Cup will held regularly in the following years. (*)
Author: Erika Eight Novanty
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i