UNAIR NEWS – “When choosing a study program, do not choose UNAIR in the second place.” That statement is often repeated by Dr. Dewi Retno Suminar, M.Si., Psychologist, As a speaker on a talk show entitled “Tips on Choosing Study Program Appropriate Interest and Ability”. The talk show was a part of Airlangga Education Expo 2018 on the third day on Sunday, February 25.
In a talk show attended by headmasters, teachers and students from various regions, Dewi who is also Vice Dean III of Faculty of Psychology UNAIR said that in choosing the study program, participants who will follow the State University National Admission Selection (SNMPTN) or State University Joint Entrance Test (SBMPTN) should choose carefully.
Therefore, Dewi asserted that the participants should first recognize the selections. Each selection pathway has different rules. In the SNMPTN pathway, students are encouraged to choose a linear course of study with their interest during high school.
“In addition, we ask you not to put UNAIR as second choice. Why? The participants should choose the course of study in first choice, it shows the seriousness of the participants and will be a consideration for the committee, ” she said.
Dewi added that it is important to for participants is to recognize the study program they choose so they won’t feel burdened during college or even stopped before graduation.
“Know the study program of your choice because you will be in it for three years. You have to focus and really understand what you will learn, ” she explained.
The next thing necessary for the participants is to recognize their strength. According to Dewi it is important because choosing the majors only because of better chance for admission will bring bad result during their study.
“If it is not your passion, your study won’t be optimal. GPA will not be good and you may have late graduation, ” she explained.
The next tip was make a clear resolve and be ready for everything. Dewi said that without a strong mental, preparations that have been done will be in vain. This will be seen during the exam, many participants who sometimes do the exam can be down to illness.
“Remember that there is God Almighty, after the best efforts made, leave it all to Him,” she explained. “If we can do it, our mind and mental will be calm,” she concluded.
Author: Nuri Hermawan