UNAIR NEWS – A startup business created by an alumnus of Faculty of Medicine called Alinamed has won 1st place in the East Zone of Independent Young Entrepreneurs in 2020 for the technology category. The business design competition was followed by thousands of participants from various regions in Indonesia.
To participate in the competition, Alinamed was supported by PT Bank Mandiri as the party supporting with provision and capital. Putu Apriyanto as Head Area of ​​PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tb Area Surabaya Basuki Rahmat, said that the support provided by PT Bank Mandiri is part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR).
“This is part of our support to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in students. In the future, we hope that there will be more interest from students to express their creativity in various fields, “said Putu.
In the zone judging stage, PT Bank Mandiri provided funding support for Alinamed amounting to 5 million rupiah. Putu said, the 2020 Independent Young Entrepreneurs National stage will take place in November. For this reason, PT Bank Mandiri will give provision to Alinamed.
Meanwhile, the founder of Alinamed dr. Riswanda Noorisa said that the achievement gave him and his team an opportunity and a challenge. In the future, he hopes that Alinamed can become an app for a sustainable health service provider, which never stops providing services to communities, whether there is a pandemic or not.
Riswanda said, Alinamed is an app in health sector giving consultation or bringing doctors in anytime and anywhere. As stated by Riswanda, one of Alinamed’s strengths is its partnership platform with health facilities.
“So services from our doctors, whether they come to residents or through online consult, have all been standardized by our partner clinics,” said Riswanda.
The second advantage, continued Riswanda, is from Alinamed’s service which is like clinic services. Thus, the services provided by Alinamed are not only limited to consult services. “If during the exam, the patient needs additional services or special treatment, or even needs to be referred to the hospital, we can facilitate that,” explained Riswanda. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh