
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Strategic Review Ministry of BEM FH UNAIR Holds Public Discussion

UNAIR NEWS – Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Law Universitas Airlangga has held another public event. Through its Strategic Review Ministry BEM FH UNAIR held public discussion with a topic, “Reviewing Roles and Performance of DPR in Corruption Eradication” on Tuesday, April 4.

The event held on Room 303 Building A Faculty of Law UNAIR was attended by about 200 students either from FH UNAIR or other universities. The committee also provided video conference for participants in other cities such as Universitas Bengkulu(Bengkulu), Universitas Andalas (Padang), Universitas Syiah Kuala (Banda aceh), Universitas Brawijaya (Malang), Tanjung Pura, Jambi, and Universitas Sebelas Maret (Surakarta).

The speakers were Alexander Marwata as the Deputy of KPK, Ruhut Poltak Sitompul, S.H. DPR member 2009-2016, Dr. Herlambang Perdana Wirataman, S.H.,M.A as the academician and the Head of Human Rights Study Center  (HRLS) FH UNAIR, also Zainudin Elzein Anti Corruption activist.

First speech was delivered by Alexander Marwata. Alex said that KPK has performed effectively so the government should not revise KPK Act.

“Furthermore, the efforts of current revision will systematically weaken corruption eradication movement,” he said.

Then, Ruhut supported Alex statements. He stated that KPK is a trustworthy agency to eradicate corruption.

“If there is a revision, it should increase the perpetrator punishment, not weaken KPK,” explained Ruhut.

Herlambang as the third speaker explained that the current administrative system design created more opportunities for corruption.

Good governance implemented does not prevent corruption but even promote corruption,” stated Herlambang.

The last speech was from Zainudin. He said that corruption in Indonesia is dominated by procurement sectors. Eradicating corruption is the obligation of all citizens as it is an act of crime.

Public discussion moderated by a lecturer of Crime Department as well as secretary of  Center for Anti Corruption & Criminal Policy Iqbal Felisiano S.H.,LL.M  was responded positively by the participants. Many of them took part actively in the discussion by asking questions or statements to the speakers.

Author : Pradita Desyanti

Editor    : Nuri Hermawan