UNAIR NEWS – The student of Faculty of Nursing UNAIR creates new innovation of wound healer from Aloe Vera Extract. The researchers of this innovation consists of Muhammad Hidayatullah Al-Muslim (2016), Dinda Dhia Aldin Kholidiyah (2016), Kusnul Oktania (2016) and Retno Dwi Susanti (2014), entitled this study as KOMPAS stands for “Kompres Penyembuh Luka Aloe Vera”
“We decided to make a wound compress from Aloe Vera in research proposal of Student Creativity Program KEMENRISTEKDIKTI (Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education) due to the high potential of Aloe Vera as natural medicine materials,” Retno Dwi Susanti,
Aloe Vera most known as ornamental plant. Though this plant contains various active substances that can be used to heal wounds. Therefore, Retno and team used Aloe Vera in this study. Moreover, Aloe Vera has great chance to become a large trading commodity.
According to Retno, Aloe Vera contained Saponin and Flavonoid, tannin and Polyphenol. Saponin has ability as cleanser which was effective to heal wound, meanwhile, Tannin was able to prevent the wound infection because it had antiseptic power. “So it quite effective to be a wound healer,” She said
as leader of the team said that KOMPAS was an effective and practical wound compress. He also said that the use was easy; firstly it needed to cleanse the wound then put the compress (KOMPAS) on the wound.
“Most of people thought that wound have to be dried for a speedy recovery. Whereas a damp condition can help cells fibroblasts form a new tissue that closes the wound. So humidity also reduces the amount of exudate or fluid that comes out of the wound,” Hidayat explained
Actually, the better treatment of wound healing is by using a modern dressing which has ability to keep the wound moist. So, it does not recommend using gauze, because it cannot keep the moisture of the wound and make the healing process takes longer.
“Unlike wound that already festers. It does not need to be dressed. Let it open. We expect this product can be effective in wound healing process,” Kusnul Oktania said, a member of PKMK KOMPAS
“We sell per package with cost Rp 15.000, but if anyone wants to buy per piece, we also serve it. Per piece cost Rp.5000,” said Dinda. (*)
Editor : Bambang Bes