
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Students and Alumni Share Tips to UNAIR Prospective Students

UNAIR NEWS – For three days in a row, Airlangga Education Expo event was attended by thousands of visitors. Among them were students, teachers, and parents, from various regions in East Java.

A lot of important information was given in three days in a row. One of them was inspiring talk show with outstanding students and UNAIR alumni at the top of their career and occupied important positions.

The outstanding students were Jefferson Caesario, a silver medalist at the international Math Olympiad in Bulgaria, in 2017, and Regine Wiranata, a student of Faculty of Law with the highest SBMPTN score in 2016.

From the alumni, there was Djoko Kurnijanto, International Director of Financial Services Authority (OJK) alumnus of Faculty of Economics and Business in 1989, and Drg. Nur Cahyohadi, MARS Director of RSUD Balung, Jember, alumnus of Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG).

To high school students, Regine advised to choose a department that suits their passion. Because with passion, they will not have difficulties during studies which last for four years.

“Choose a course that matches your passion. To get it (admitted, ed), simply study, study, and study, “said Regine.

An outstanding student who is fond of Math, Jefferson, was motivated to gain reputation for UNAIR on international scene when he followed the mathematics Olympiad in Bulgaria. Competing with other students from across the world, he was more spirited to be able to bring home medals, not only for UNAIR but also for Indonesia.

“When I joined the olympiad abroad, I thought I should bring UNAIR’s name. To make UNAIR known by universities and students around the world, “he said.

Like Regine, Jefferson reiterated to all participants that the most important thing is passion. “Smart people cannot beat diligent people. But, diligent people cannot beat people with strong interest, “he said.

Nur Cahyo, one of the alumni, admitted that in contrast to Jefferson and Regine, he was not so keen on learning during college. Nevertheless, he was active in two organizations, student senate and Scouting Club. In fact, he was one of the people who started the Scouting movement at that time. He got the benefits from those two organizations.

While Djoko said that he had a strong determination to study at UNAIR since he was declared to study at UNAIR. In fact, he was currently undergoing a freshman orientation at the official school of State College of Accountancy (STAN).

“On the third day of the orientation at STAN, I was accepted at UNAIR. I left STAN and chose UNAIR, “said Djoko. “You are very lucky because in my time there was no event like this,” he said. (*)

Author: Binti Q. Masruroh

Editor: Nuri Hermawan