UNAIR NEWS – Some regional potentials have not been used optimally and there is an urgency to address them immediately, especially if the potential region is remotely located, far from the hustle and bustle of the city.
As a response, nine students of 61st Back to Village Community Service Program (KKN-BV) Universitas Airlangga in Sambirejo Village, Jumantono Sub-district, Karanganyar Regency, invited residents to optimize the planting of avocados and guava. Sambirejo Village is expected to become the largest producer of avocados and guava in the future.
Diana Rachma as the group coordinator said that Sambirejo Village has fertile soil and it is easy for all types of plants to flourish. The main focus of Sambirejo Community Service Program is in five areas, education, economy, health, social and environment.
“We provide free tutoring facilities for SD 1 Sambirejo students on thematic and motoric based teaching. There are also healthy exercises for residents with free health check-up and herbal medicine after exercise,” she said.
“The enthusiasm of the residents when we gave counseling and training related to the utilization of regional potential was very good. It was previously caused by the lack of knowledge in management,” she added.

Diana continued, from the economic perspective, residents were invited to develop village UMKM products such as tempe chips and Sambirejo instant herbal medicine. The product presentation will be improved through innovations and is expected to be on par with other similar products.
The potential development is carried out so that independence and optimal utilization can be done by residents of Sambirejo, considering the current competition of local and imported products which is fierce.
“Most of the residents of Sambirejo Village have cattles at home, but their food supply does not meet the standards. Therefore, we also provided management counseling to make the cattle fatter in the good and right way, ” she said.
Another advantages own by Sambirejo Village is from its location which is far from the regency with paddy fields, cool air and beautiful scenery. The potential can actually be used for the development of natural rural tourism to attract domestic tourists.
“Hopefully the KKN activities that we do here can become the foundation of Sambirejo in order to improve, in terms of economic, social, education, environment, and health, ” she stated. (*)
Author: Muhammad Wildan Suyuti
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i