Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Supporting Merdeka Belajar Program, UNAIR inaugurates co-working space

UNAIR Rector, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., M.T., Ak., CMA gives a speech at the inauguration of Campus B Co-Working Space on Tuesday, Februari 4. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

UNAIR NEWS – In an effort to support the learning process and student creativity, Universitas Airlangga through Business Development and Incubation Institute (LPBI) developed a co-working space. Located in Campus B area, co-working Space was inaugurated directly by UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih on Tuesday, February 4.

In presence of the leaderships, students, business partners, and media crews, Prof. Nasih in his speech said that UNAIR Co-working Space was an effort to support the learning process and student creativity. Furthermore, he said, the existence of the new facilities is also an answer to the government’s policy for an independent campus.

“We know, the direction of Minister Nadiem’s policy is very concentrated on learning outside the classroom. The existence of this facility is one of the efforts to support it, “said Prof. Nasih.

The UNAIR FEB Professor also mentioned the direction of government policy that support the presence of an entrepreneurial climate in campus. He continued that as PTN-BH (legal entity state university) UNAIR was asked to be a pioneer in the development.

“And this is our joint effort to support and prepare it as well as possible,” said Prof. Nasih.

UNAIR Rector, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, S.E., M.T, Ak., CMA accompanied by the Head of Academic Senate and vice rectors inaugurated the Co-Working Space. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

Before closing the remarks, Prof. Nasih also explained about various aspects of change and development in higher education. In the future, he continued, universities are not only concerned with aspects of learning, teaching, and innovation research.

“When aspects of learning, teaching, research, and innovation are going well, the direction of higher education seems to be moving towards the field of entrepreneurship,” he said. “And that is what we are trying to prepare to support the progress of the nation and state,” he concluded.

After the speech, the Rector with the leadership also launched some new start-ups from UNAIR students: Alinamed, Legalhub, Syarihub, Kognisio, and Indonesian Digital Business. After that, the leaderships and all of the attendees inspected the new UNAIR co-working space and the innovations of students assisted by LPBI.

Author: Nuri Hermawan