UNAIR NEWS – The Assembly of State and Private University Rectors in Surabaya and Madura together with Higher Education Service Institution ( LLDIKTI) gave a statement related to 2019 National Awakening Day. Not only that, in front of the press, rectors of universities in Surabaya and Madura led by UNAIR Rector Prof. Moh. Nasih also made various statements regarding political issues currently under the spotlight.
Being held at Amerta Hall Campus C UNAIR on Monday, May 20, 2019, Prof. Nasih said that with this 111th National Awakening Day, the Assembly of State and Private University Rectors in Surabaya and Madura together with Higher Education Service Institution (LLDIKTI) were committed to maintaining peace, togetherness, unity among fellow nationals by not doing potential actions to divide and fight.
Furthermore, they also encouraged the public not to make and or spread false and slanderous news, not disturb public order, not impose their will (anarchy), and not provoke and be provoked.
“Let us solve every problem, and or dispute that occurs by discussions based on values of virtue, wisdom, objectivity, and rationality, for the betterment of society and the nation,” he explained.
If discussion pathway is no longer possible, he added, then mechanism through laws and regulations should be used and avoid unconstitutional methods. On an ongoing basis and together, the assembly invited all to strive and be smart to develop quality and welfare of society, innovation and technology also develop civilization.
“This is all, of course, to make Indonesia a nation and country which is faithful, humane, civilized, united, sovereign, safe, peaceful, advanced, prosperous, just and prosperous equal with developed countries in the world,” he added.
Regarding the heating political temperature, Prof. Nasih urged that as a citizen, all parties must be able to maintain and encourage a good political climate. It is certainly a common goal to remain united and develop Indonesia.
“Whatever choices we have made, let us remain united to rise together to catch up with the developed nations of the world,” he stated.
In the event, there were 20 representatives of the State and Private University Rectors in Surabaya and Madura together with Higher Education Service Institution ( LLDIKTI).
Author: Nuri Hermawan