Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Duphaston went viral in Tiktok, this is response of UNAIR Professor of Pharmacy

Duphaston medicine. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Recently, Tiktok users was surprised by a user who made a video about the Duphaston. In the video, several uses are mentioned, including for irregular menstruation, layer outside the uterus, painful menstruation, infertility, preventing miscarriage, and treating PMS (Premenstruation syndrome) symptoms. However, the video does not mention the content or even the side effects caused by the medicine. The video […]

Faculty of Pharmacy educates residents of Sidoarjo Rehabilitation Center on medicinal plants

TOGA Counseling at Al-Hafizh Mental Rehabilitation Center, Sidoarjo Regency. (Photo: Community Service Team.)

UNAIR NEWS – Family Medicinal Plants or known as TOGA are plants that can function as herbal medicine and are intentionally planted in residents’ yards or gardens. The medicinal plants are often used by the community as traditional medicine because besides being affordable, they do not cause side effects for health. Because of the importance of TOGA […]

Creating Harmony of Life with herbal plants

PROF. Dr. Mangestuti Agil, MS, Apt., one of UNAIR Faculty of Pharmacy professors explains about the properties of herbal plants. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Indonesia is famous for its richness of herbal plants. It is recorded that there are about 35,000 types of plants that grow in Indonesia. Around 7,000 of them are medicinal plants. However, only about 1,000 plants used or applied as herbal medicinal drinks. As one of experts studying traditional Indonesian medicine for 40 years, Prof. Dr. […]

Faculty of Pharmacy alumni share life experience as music teacher and European pianist

UNAIR NEWS – Educational background has not limited two alumni of Faculty of Pharmacy (Alfas) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) to achieve their dreams. It is the story of success experienced by Apt. Felix Justin and Apt. Astari Noor Pratiwi. In an online meeting on Monday, September 19, 2020, both Alfas members shared their journey from being […]