
Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Taking the Moment, Rector Delivers his Fasting Remark with a Video

UNAIR NEWS – Moslems in all parts of the world is fasting and going to celebrate Eid al-Fitr 1437 Hijriah. To honor the moment, Information and Public Relations Center (PIH) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) is producing a greeting video.

The video is about UNAIR Rector , Prof. Dr. M. Nasih, who greets and shake hands with students and employees of UNAIR. In the video, UNAIR Rector also congratulates them for the holy month’s fasting ritual and for Eid al Fitr celebration.

The video implies a message for the communities to respect each others so the social harmony can be maintained.

“The video production is a way of UNAIR Rector to encourage the public to respect one another. The video is planned for official release in the second week of Ramadhan,” said the Head of Information and Public Relations Center (PIH) UNAIR, Drs. Suko Widodo, M.Si.

The director of the video, Aga, said that the locations of the the scene were in three places. UNAIR Rector’s office room, the Management Office Building yard, and the yard of Ulul Azmi mosque.

“The audience is the public. So not only for the old or young generation. We asked UNAIR Rector himself as the talent to attract audience of his generation and academic background. We also have students to make it even more natural and it reaches all,” said Aga.

Even though the video production was during fasting month, Aga said there were no obstacles to shoot the scenes. “There were no obstacles even though we are fasting. UNAIR Rector also has the time, so we were not in a rush,” said the Director. (*)

Author : Dilan Salsabila
Editor : Defrina Sukma S