UNAIR NEWS – Five students of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga, implied their knowledge into research. They created solution for cultivation Hydroponic Plant and catfish.
The idea written on research proposal of Student Creativity Program Enterpreneurship (PKM-K) entitled “Tani Bule Farm (Tanaman Hidroponik and Catfish cultivation), Solusi Budidaya Multi-Komoditas dengan Sistem Akuaponik untuk Efisisensi Lahan” / (Tani Bule Farm (Hydroponic Plants and Catfish Cultivation), a Solution of Multi-Commodity Cultivation Thorough Aquaponic System and Land Efficiency)
The research proposal of M. Rijal Amiruddin, Nanang Ardianto, Muhamad Maslikhan, Heni Putriani, dan Irene Sugiarto succeeded get grant from Ministry of Research, Technology and Education in 2017.
According to Nanang, his team successfully developed and sold the product of hydroponic construction based on people needs. In addition to, Tani Bule Farm also provided consultation service of enhancing fisheries potential.
Why should aquaponic? He said, aquaponic was a solution for urban communities who had limitation land for agricultural.
“The construction of pound (tank water) made of round trap with iron, and for the hydroponic plant place made of wood which designed based on needs. Then plants placed on the perforated pipes that was connected in series, then it positioned with consideration of cultivation technique factors , so it will be connected between two different commodity,” Nanang said
Tani Bule Farm sold at price starts from three million rupiahs. This product is more flexible because it based on customer demand and more controllable than other aquaponic products.
“Customers will get mentoring and regular consultation during one crop cycle,” Nanang said
Besides, this system provides efficiency in time and cost because in one crop cycle, the cultivation can produce two commodity plants and fish, saving more land and water, and no need special ability.
“Most of urban people interested in easy and cheap business which provide prospective benefits. Besides, regular mentoring of customer as our moral responsibility of socialpreneur that we develop,” Nanang stated
Though Tani Bule Farm has been running for three months, they have received many orders. The customers are come from various region, most of them from east java, includes, Sumenep, Surabaya, and Lamongan.
Editor: Defrina Sukma S